Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday Wander - November 19

Today I cancelled a group hike because there was a heavy snowfall and the roads were not ploughed. However when my four kids came home from school, they dropped their backpacks and declared that they were heading outside to play. I observed them playing outside for a few minutes and then felt ridiculous for not wanting to take them for the wander in the woods. They saw the beautiful, white, freshly fallen snow and wanted to be in it. 

So, we got bundled up and headed for the woods. They spent 45 minutes running, rolling down hills, making snow angels, and throwing snow. The forest was breathtaking and peaceful with the freshly fallen snow. I was filled with not only calm but wonder. I learned a valuable lesson from the kids: a heavy snowfall is the absolute best time for a wander in the woods!

To join us on future wanders, check out our Facebook group:

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