Wednesday, December 29, 2010

12 months of sustainability

I want to make a promise to myself to get as environmentally sustainable - beyond even! - as possible this coming year. So, in that spirit and for this blog, I am going to make 2011 the Year of (beyond)Sustainability. Every month I will have a new goal - 12 altogether. The goals will all accumulate, of course, so by the end of the year I will have made some wonderfully radical and permanent changes. Now I do have limitations: I live in a  building; a housing co-op and so I can't just do what I want to my living space, outdoors or indoors. And as a permaculturalist, the goal is not to make these changes by buying lots of "green" products, that is generally not in the spirit of permaculture when we as a society produce such an amazing amount of waste. Actually I might make every month a different permaculture principle. I have to work through this - stay tuned I will post a list of goals on January 1!  

1 comment:

  1. I find that living in a co-op makes a huge difference towards sustainability - from the common composters, the community garden and the visioning statement we produced, I feel good about living where I do.
