Friday, April 2, 2010

Bless Nettle, Oats, and Burdock

My kitchen is a messy but cozy place tonight. I am preparing a burdock root decoction, boiling some kidney beans, and baking some delicious smelling vegan banana muffins. Earlier for dinner I made yummy Persian Noodle Soup. Today I drank both Nettle and Oat infusions (I'm actually eating the oat infusion now) and am reminded of how good it feels to drink nourishing herbal infusions on a daily basis. I had neglected to do it for a couple months. There are many nourishing herbs - these, as defined by Wise Woman herbalist Susun Weed, are herbs that do not have strong or dramatic effects but rather nourish our bodies so our bodies can be as healthy as possible. Stinging nettle and oatstraw are the ones that I gravitate towards - nettle is an amazingly nourishing herb that contains many vitamins and minerals and helps boost energy. Oats work gently on the body to help the nervous system deal with stress. It has a relaxing and calming effect. It's my goal to drink an infusion of both everyday this spring - hard to do since I am forgetful but so worth it.

Today as I drank my nettle infusion, I thought about all the yummy things I hope to make with nettles this year. Nettles are wonderful to eat fresh (although you have to cook them in some way in order to take out the sting)  and the tender spring leaves are absolutely delicious. I don't wildcraft nettle because not only does nettle heal human bodies but it also heals the soil and often grows in toxic/damaged soil, taking out the toxins through its roots. I buy my nettle from a farmer at the downtown farmer's market here in London - $5 a bag but SO worth it. My main nettle dish is nettle pesto but I hope to venture out and  try a few different recipes this year.

So, even though my house is messy and slightly chaotic, I am feeling well-nourished and relaxed tonight. The burdock root decoction is very good for de-toxifying the body, especially the skin. The banana muffins are to take on the train tomorrow as the kids and I go to Kitchener to hang out with family and visit the Waterloo Children's Museum. The kidney beans are for a good pot of (vegan) chili later in the week.

The earth gives us so much abundance!


  1. hi there! i followed a link here from the earth activist e-list. looks like an amazing journey you're on! i just wanted to write a quick tip about nettles: there is a way to eat them without cooking them! blending up fresh nettles (in a blender or food processor) will neutralize their stinging properties just like cooking, drying and freezing will. i love to make fresh nettle pesto and other sauces with the younger shoots. they're a bit more bitter than cooked nettles, but you can taste the raw life in their punch!

  2. Thanks Rosemary! I wondered about that - I love the diea of making raw nettle pesto. Have you ever made Nettle smoothies?

  3. How did I not realize you had a blog until you posted on FB? Will you post the recipe for the Persian Noodle Soup?
